Source code for lasif.scripts.ses3d_setup_helper

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Script assisting in determining suitable SES3D settings.

    Lion Krischer (, 2015
    GNU General Public License, Version 3
import argparse
import colorama
import itertools
import numpy as np

from import OneDimensionalModel

# Arbitrary number but it is probably unlikely to run SES3D on more than
# 3000 cores.
MAX_CORES = 3000

[docs]def get_primes(number): """ Gets all prime numbers 2 <= x <= number. :param number: The maximum number for which to generate primes. :type number: int Adapted from """ if number <= 2: return [] sieve = [True] * (number + 1) for x in range(3, int(number ** 0.5) + 1, 2): for y in range(3, (number // x) + 1, 2): sieve[(x * y)] = False return [2] + [i for i in range(3, number, 2) if sieve[i]]
[docs]def get_factors_and_multiplicity(number): """ Get prime factors and their multiplicity. :param number: The number for which to get factors and multiplicity. :type number: int Adapted from """ factors = {} for prime in get_primes(number): n = number factor = 0 while True: if n % prime == 0: factor += 1 n /= prime factors[prime] = factor else: break return [(key, factors[key]) for key in sorted(factors.keys())]
[docs]def get_divisors(number): """ Get all divisors for a certain number. :param number: The number for which to get divisors. :type number: int Adapted from """ factors = get_factors_and_multiplicity(number) nfactors = len(factors) f = [0] * nfactors divisors = [] while True: divisors.append(reduce( lambda x, y: x * y, [factors[x][0] ** f[x] for x in range(nfactors)], 1)) i = 0 while True: f[i] += 1 if f[i] <= factors[i][1]: break f[i] = 0 i += 1 if i >= nfactors: return sorted(divisors) return sorted(divisors)
[docs]def get_domain_decompositions(nx, ny, nz, max_recommendations=5): """ Attempt to get reasonable domain decomposition recommendations. :param nx: Elements in x direction. :type nx: int :param ny: Elements in y direction. :type ny: int :param nz: Elements in z direction. :type nz: int :param max_recommendations: The maximum number of recommendations to return. :type max_recommendations: int """ factors_x = get_divisors(nx) factors_y = get_divisors(ny) factors_z = get_divisors(nz) # Don't have less than 4 or more than 20 elements per core in one # direction. factors_x = [_i for _i in factors_x if 15 >= nx / _i >= 4] factors_y = [_i for _i in factors_y if 15 >= ny / _i >= 4] factors_z = [_i for _i in factors_z if 15 >= nz / _i >= 4] # Get all possible combinations and choose then one with the smallest # standard deviation. combinations = itertools.product(factors_x, factors_y, factors_z) combinations = [_i for _i in combinations if np.array(_i).prod() <= MAX_CORES] # Sort by their "standard deviation" of the elements per CPU which is a bit # wild given its only three samples but it should prefer fairly equal # distributions. def sort_fct(x): a, b, c = map(float, x) # Get number of elements per core. a = nx / a b = ny / b c = nz / c # kind of a normalized standard deviation... return (1.0 - b / a) ** 2 + (1.0 - c / a) ** 2 + \ (1.0 - a / b) ** 2 + (1.0 - c / b) ** 2 + \ (1.0 - a / c) ** 2 + (1.0 - b / c) ** 2 combinations = sorted(combinations, key=sort_fct) return sorted(combinations[:max_recommendations], key=lambda x: np.array(x).prod())
def get_ses3d_settings(dx, dy, dz, nx, ny, nz, max_recommendations): print("SES3D Setup Assistant\n") print("All calculations are done quick and dirty so take them with a " "grain of salt.\n") decompositions = get_domain_decompositions( nx, ny, nz, max_recommendations=max_recommendations) if not decompositions: print("Could not calculate recommended domain decompositions.") return print("Possible recommended domain decompositions:\n") for comp in decompositions: print(colorama.Fore.RED + "Total CPU count: %5i; " "CPUs in X: %3i (%2i elements/core), " "CPUs in Y: %3i (%2i elements/core), " "CPUs in Z: %3i (%2i elements/core)" % (np.array(comp).prod(), comp[0], nx / comp[0], comp[1], ny / comp[1], comp[2], nz / comp[2]) + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL) x_extent = dx * 111.32 y_extent = dy * 111.32 z_extent = dz elem_size_x = x_extent / (nx + comp[0]) elem_size_y = y_extent / (ny + comp[1]) elem_size_z = z_extent / (nz + comp[2]) print(" Extent in latitudinal (X) direction: %7.1f km, " "%5.1f km/element, %4i elements" % (x_extent, elem_size_x, nx + comp[0])) print(" Extent in longitudinal (Y) direction: %7.1f km, " "%5.1f km/element, %4i elements" % (y_extent, elem_size_y, ny + comp[1])) print(" Extent in depth (Z) direction: %7.1f km, " "%5.1f km/element, %4i elements" % (z_extent, elem_size_z, nz + comp[2])) element_sizes = [elem_size_x, elem_size_y, elem_size_z] min_element_size = min(element_sizes) max_element_size = max(element_sizes) # Smallest GLL point distance. dx_min = 0.1717 * min_element_size # Get the Wave speeds at all depths and choose the biggest one. m = OneDimensionalModel("ak135-f") s_values = [m.get_value("vs", _i) for _i in np.linspace(15, dz, 400)] p_values = [m.get_value("vp", _i) for _i in np.linspace(15, dz, 400)] v_max = max(p_values) v_min = min(s_values) print(" Wave velocities range from %.1f km/s to %.1f km/s. The " "velocities of the top 15 km have not been analyzed to avoid " "very slow layers." % (v_min, v_max)) # criterion approximately 0.3 for SES3D. dt = 0.3 * dx_min / v_max # Well...the value to use here is kind of hand-wavy..1.6 seems to # agree quite well with data. minimum_period = 1.6 * max_element_size / v_min print(colorama.Fore.GREEN + " Maximal recommended time step: %.3f s" % dt) print(" Minimal resolvable period: %.1f s" % minimum_period + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL) print(colorama.Fore.YELLOW + " SES3D Settings: nx_global: %i, " "ny_global: %i, nz_global: %i" % (nx, ny, nz)) print(" px: %i, py: %i, px: %i" % ( comp[0], comp[1], comp[2]) + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + "\n") def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="python -m lasif.scripts.ses3d_setup_helper", description="Script assisting in determining suitable SES3D settings.") parser.add_argument("dx", type=float, help="latitudinal extent in degrees") parser.add_argument("dy", type=float, help="longitudinal extent in " "degrees") parser.add_argument("dz", type=float, help="depth extent in km") parser.add_argument("nx", type=int, help="~ element count in " "latitudinal dir. Same as nx_global.") parser.add_argument("ny", type=int, help="~ element count in " "longitudinal dir. Same as ny_global.") parser.add_argument("nz", type=int, help="~ element count in depth " "dir. Same as nz_global.") parser.add_argument("--recommendations", type=int, default=3, help="number of recommendations to provide") args = parser.parse_args() get_ses3d_settings(dx=args.dx, dy=args.dy,, nx=args.nx, ny=args.ny,, max_recommendations=args.recommendations) if __name__ == "__main__": main()