Source code for lasif.rotations

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A collection of functions to rotate vectors, seismograms and moment tensors on
a spherical body, e.g. the Earth.

.. note:: **On the used coordinate system**

    Latitude and longitude are natural geographical coordinates used on Earth.

    The coordinate system is right handed with the origin at the center of the
    Earth. The z-axis points directly at the North Pole and the x-axis points
    at (latitude 0.0/longitude 0.0), e.g. the Greenwich meridian at the
    equator. The y-axis therefore points at (latitude 0.0/longitue 90.0), e.g.
    somewhere close to Sumatra.

    :math:`\\theta` (theta) is the colatitude, e.g. 90.0 - latitude and is the
    angle from the z-axis. :math:`\phi` (phi) is the longitude and the angle
    from the x-axis towards the y-axis, a.k.a the azimuth angle. These are also
    the generally used spherical coordinates.

    All rotation axes have to be given as [x, y, z] in the just described
    coordinate system and all rotation angles have to given as degree. A
    positive rotation will rotate clockwise when looking in the direction of
    the rotation axis.

    For convenience reasons, most function in this module work with coordinates
    given in latitude and longitude.

:copyright: Lion Krischer (, 2012-2013

:license: GNU General Public License, Version 3
import math
import numpy as np
import sys

eps = sys.float_info.epsilon

def _get_vector(*args):
    Helper function to make sure vectors always have the same format and dtype.

    Creates a three component column vector from either a list or three single
    numbers. If it already is a correct vector, do nothing.

    >>> vec = _get_vector(1, 2, 3)
    >>> vec
    array([ 1.,  2.,  3.])
    >>> print vec.dtype

    >>> vec = _get_vector([1, 2, 3])
    >>> vec
    array([ 1.,  2.,  3.])
    >>> print vec.dtype

    >>> vec = _get_vector(np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype="int32"))
    >>> vec
    array([ 1.,  2.,  3.])
    >>> print vec.dtype
    if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], np.ndarray):
        return np.require(args[0], dtype="float64")
    elif len(args) == 1 and len(args[0]) == 3:
        return np.array(args[0], dtype="float64")
    elif len(args) == 3:
        return np.array(args, dtype="float64")
        raise NotImplementedError

[docs]def lat2colat(lat): """ Helper function to convert latitude to colatitude. This, surprisingly, is quite an error source. >>> lat2colat(-90) 180.0 >>> lat2colat(-45) 135.0 >>> lat2colat(0) 90.0 >>> lat2colat(45) 45.0 >>> lat2colat(90) 0.0 :param lat: The latitude. """ return 90.0 - lat
[docs]def colat2lat(colat): """ Helper function to convert colatitude to latitude. This, surprisingly, is quite an error source. >>> colat2lat(180) -90.0 >>> colat2lat(135) -45.0 >>> abs(colat2lat(90)) 0.0 >>> colat2lat(45) 45.0 >>> colat2lat(0.0) 90.0 :param colat: The colatitude. """ return -1.0 * (colat - 90.0)
[docs]def rotate_vector(vector, rotation_axis, angle): """ Takes a vector and rotates it around a rotation axis with a given angle. :param vector: The vector to be rotated given as [x, y, z]. :param rotation_axis: The axis to be rotating around given as [x, y, z]. :param angle: The rotation angle in degree. """ rotation_matrix = _get_rotation_matrix(rotation_axis, angle) # Build a column vector. vector = _get_vector(vector) # Rotate the vector. rotated_vector = np.array( # Make sure is also works for arrays of vectors. if rotated_vector.shape[0] > 1: return rotated_vector else: return rotated_vector.ravel()
def _get_rotation_matrix(axis, angle): """ Returns the rotation matrix for the specified axis and angle. """ axis = map(float, axis) / np.linalg.norm(axis) angle = np.deg2rad(angle) # Use c1, c2, and c3 as shortcuts for the rotation axis. c1 = axis[0] c2 = axis[1] c3 = axis[2] # Build the rotation matrix. rotation_matrix = np.cos(angle) * \ np.matrix(((1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0))) + \ (1 - np.cos(angle)) * np.matrix(((c1 * c1, c1 * c2, c1 * c3), (c2 * c1, c2 * c2, c2 * c3), (c3 * c1, c3 * c2, c3 * c3))) + \ np.sin(angle) * np.matrix(((0, -c3, c2), (c3, 0, -c1), (-c2, c1, 0))) return rotation_matrix
[docs]def get_spherical_unit_vectors(lat, lon): """ Returns the spherical unit vectors e_theta, e_phi and e_r for a point on the sphere determined by latitude and longitude which are defined as they are for earth. :param lat: Latitude in degree :param lon: Longitude in degree """ colat = lat2colat(lat) # Convert to radian. colat, lon = map(np.deg2rad, [colat, lon]) e_theta = _get_vector(np.cos(lon) * np.cos(colat), np.sin(lon) * np.cos(colat), -np.sin(colat)) e_phi = _get_vector(-np.sin(lon), np.cos(lon), 0.0) e_r = _get_vector(np.cos(lon) * np.sin(colat), np.sin(lon) * np.sin(colat), np.cos(colat)) return e_theta, e_phi, e_r
[docs]def rotate_lat_lon(lat, lon, rotation_axis, angle): """ Takes a point specified by latitude and longitude and return a new pair of latitude longitude assuming the earth has been rotated around rotation_axis by angle. :param lat: Latitude of original point :param lon: Longitude of original point :param rotation_axis: Rotation axis specified as [x, y, z]. :param angle: Rotation angle in degree. """ # Convert to xyz. Do the calculation on the unit sphere as the radius does # not matter. xyz = lat_lon_radius_to_xyz(lat, lon, 1.0) # Rotate xyz. new_xyz = rotate_vector(xyz, rotation_axis, angle) new_lat, new_lon, _ = xyz_to_lat_lon_radius(new_xyz) return new_lat, new_lon
[docs]def xyz_to_lat_lon_radius(*args): """ Converts x, y, and z to latitude, longitude and radius. >>> xyz_to_lat_lon_radius(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) (-0.0, 0.0, 1.0) >>> xyz_to_lat_lon_radius([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) (-0.0, 0.0, 1.0) >>> xyz_to_lat_lon_radius(0.0, 0.0, -2.0) (-90.0, 0.0, 2.0) >>> xyz_to_lat_lon_radius(0.0, 0.0, 2.0) (90.0, 0.0, 2.0) """ xyz = _get_vector(*args) r = np.sqrt(xyz[0] ** 2 + xyz[1] ** 2 + xyz[2] ** 2) colat = np.arccos(xyz[2] / r) lon = np.arctan2(xyz[1], xyz[0]) # Convert to degree. colat, lon = map(np.float32, map(np.rad2deg, [colat, lon])) lat = colat2lat(colat) return lat, lon, r
[docs]def lat_lon_radius_to_xyz(lat, lon, r): """ Converts latitude, longitude and radius to x, y, and z. :param lat: The latitude. :param lon: The longitude. :param r: The radius. """ colat = lat2colat(lat) # To radian colat, lon = map(np.deg2rad, [colat, lon]) # Do the transformation x = r * np.sin(colat) * np.cos(lon) y = r * np.sin(colat) * np.sin(lon) z = r * np.cos(colat) return _get_vector(x, y, z)
def _get_axis_and_angle_from_rotation_matrix(M): """ Extracts the axis and angle from a rotation matrix. >>> M = _get_rotation_matrix([0.26726124, 0.53452248, 0.80178373], 40) >>> _get_axis_and_angle_from_rotation_matrix(M) \ # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +ELLIPSIS (array([ 0.26726124, 0.53452248, 0.80178373]), 40.00...) """ x = M[2, 1] - M[1, 2] y = M[0, 2] - M[2, 0] z = M[1, 0] - M[0, 1] r = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2) t = M[0, 0] + M[1, 1] + M[2, 2] theta = np.arctan2(r, t - 1) axis = [x, y, z] axis /= np.linalg.norm(axis) return axis, np.rad2deg(theta) def _get_rotation_and_base_transfer_matrix(lat, lon, rotation_axis, angle): """ Generates a matrix that rotates a vector/tensor located at lat/lon and given in spherical coordinates for 'angle' degrees around 'rotation_axis'. Furthermore it performs a base change from the spherical unit vectors at lat/lon to the spherical unit vectors at the rotated lat/lon. This should never change the radial component. :param lat: Latitude of the recording point. :param lon: Longitude of the recording point. :param rotation_axis: Rotation axis given as [x, y, z]. :param angle: Rotation angle in degree. >>> mat = _get_rotation_and_base_transfer_matrix(12, 34, [-45, 34, 45], \ -66) >>> mat[2, 2] - 1.0 <= 1E-7 True >>> mat[2, 0] <= 1E-7 True >>> mat[2, 1] <= 1E-7 True >>> mat[0, 2] <= 1E-7 True >>> mat[1, 2] <= 1E-7 True """ # Rotate latitude and longitude to obtain the new coordinates after the # rotation. lat_new, lon_new = rotate_lat_lon(lat, lon, rotation_axis, angle) # Get the orthonormal basis vectors at both points. This can be interpreted # as having two sets of basis vectors in the original xyz coordinate # system. e_theta, e_phi, e_r = get_spherical_unit_vectors(lat, lon) e_theta_new, e_phi_new, e_r_new = get_spherical_unit_vectors(lat_new, lon_new) # Rotate the new unit vectors in the opposite direction to simulate a # rotation in the wanted direction. e_theta_new = rotate_vector(e_theta_new, rotation_axis, -angle) e_phi_new = rotate_vector(e_phi_new, rotation_axis, -angle) e_r_new = rotate_vector(e_r_new, rotation_axis, -angle) # Calculate the transfer matrix. This works because both sets of basis # vectors are orthonormal. transfer_matrix = np.matrix(( [, e_theta),, e_phi),, e_r)], [, e_theta),, e_phi),, e_r)], [, e_theta),, e_phi),, e_r)])) return transfer_matrix
[docs]def rotate_moment_tensor(Mrr, Mtt, Mpp, Mrt, Mrp, Mtp, lat, lon, rotation_axis, angle): """ Rotates a moment tensor, given in spherical coordinates, located at lat/lon around the rotation axis and simultaneously performs a base change from the spherical unit vectors at lat/lon to the unit vectors at the new coordinates. :param Mrr: A moment tensor component. :param Mtt: A moment tensor component. :param Mpp: A moment tensor component. :param Mrt: A moment tensor component. :param Mrp: A moment tensor component. :param Mtp: A moment tensor component. :param lat: Latitude of the recording point. :param lon: Longitude of the recording point. :param rotation_axis: Rotation axis given as [x, y, z]. :param angle: Rotation angle in degree. """ transfer_matrix = _get_rotation_and_base_transfer_matrix( lat, lon, rotation_axis, angle) # Assemble the second order tensor. mt = np.matrix(([Mtt, Mtp, Mrt], [Mtp, Mpp, Mrp], [Mtp, Mrp, Mrr])) # Rotate it rotated_mt = # Return the six independent components in the same order as they were # given. return rotated_mt[2, 2], rotated_mt[0, 0], rotated_mt[1, 1], \ rotated_mt[0, 2], rotated_mt[1, 2], rotated_mt[0, 1]
[docs]def rotate_data(north_data, east_data, vertical_data, lat, lon, rotation_axis, angle): """ Rotates three component data recorded at lat/lon a certain amount of degrees around a given rotation axis. :param north_data: The north component of the data. :param east_data: The east component of the data. :param vertical_data: The vertical component of the data. Vertical is defined to be up, e.g. radially outwards. :param lat: Latitude of the recording point. :param lon: Longitude of the recording point. :param rotation_axis: Rotation axis given as [x, y, z]. :param angle: Rotation angle in degree. """ transfer_matrix = _get_rotation_and_base_transfer_matrix( lat, lon, rotation_axis, angle) # Apply the transfer matrix. Invert north data because they have # to point in the other direction to be consistent with the spherical # coordinates. new_data = np.array([-1.0 * north_data, east_data, vertical_data])) # Return the transferred data arrays. Again negate north data. north_data = -1.0 * new_data[0] east_data = new_data[1] vertical_data = new_data[2] return north_data, east_data, vertical_data
[docs]def get_border_latlng_list( min_lat, max_lat, min_lng, max_lng, number_of_points_per_side=25, rotation_axis=(0, 0, 1), rotation_angle_in_degree=0): """ Helper function taking a spherical section defined by latitudinal and longitudal extension, rotate it around the given axis and rotation angle and return a list of points outlining the region. Useful for plotting. :param min_lat: The minimum latitude. :param max_lat: The maximum latitude. :param min_lng: The minimum longitude. :param max_lng: The maximum longitude. :param number_of_points_per_side: The number of points per side desired. :param rotation_axis: The rotation axis. Optional. :param rotation_angle_in_degree: The rotation angle in degrees. Optional. """ north_border = np.empty((number_of_points_per_side, 2)) south_border = np.empty((number_of_points_per_side, 2)) east_border = np.empty((number_of_points_per_side, 2)) west_border = np.empty((number_of_points_per_side, 2)) north_border[:, 0] = max_lat north_border[:, 1] = np.linspace(min_lng, max_lng, number_of_points_per_side) east_border[:, 0] = np.linspace(max_lat, min_lat, number_of_points_per_side) east_border[:, 1] = max_lng south_border[:, 0] = min_lat south_border[:, 1] = np.linspace(max_lng, min_lng, number_of_points_per_side) west_border[:, 0] = np.linspace(min_lat, max_lat, number_of_points_per_side) west_border[:, 1] = min_lng # Rotate everything. for border in [north_border, south_border, east_border, west_border]: for _i in xrange(number_of_points_per_side): border[_i, 0], border[_i, 1] = rotate_lat_lon( border[_i, 0], border[_i, 1], rotation_axis, rotation_angle_in_degree) # Fix dateline wraparounds. for border in [north_border, south_border, east_border, west_border]: lngs = border[:, 1] lngs[lngs < min_lng] += 360.0 # Take care to only use every corner once. borders = np.concatenate([north_border, east_border[1:], south_border[1:], west_border[1:]]) borders = list(borders) borders = [tuple(_i) for _i in borders] return borders
[docs]def get_center_angle(a, b): """ Returns the angle of both angles on a sphere. :param a: Angle A in degrees. :param b: Angle B in degrees. The examples use round() to guard against floating point inaccuracies. >>> round(get_center_angle(350, 10), 9) 0.0 >>> round(get_center_angle(90, 270), 9) 0.0 >>> round(get_center_angle(-90, 90), 9) 0.0 >>> round(get_center_angle(350, 5), 9) 357.5 >>> round(get_center_angle(359, 10), 9) 4.5 >>> round(get_center_angle(10, 20), 9) 15.0 >>> round(get_center_angle(90, 180), 9) 135.0 >>> round(get_center_angle(0, 180), 9) 90.0 """ a = math.radians(a) b = math.radians(b) a = (math.cos(a), math.sin(a)) b = (math.cos(b), math.sin(b)) c = ((a[0] + b[0]) / 2.0, (a[1] + b[1]) / 2.0) if c[0] <= 10 * eps and c[1] <= 10 * eps: result = math.degrees((math.acos(a[0]) + math.pi / 2.0) % math.pi) else: result = math.degrees(math.atan2(c[1], c[0])) # Some predictability. if abs(result) <= (10.0 * eps): result = 0.0 result %= 360.0 return result
[docs]def get_max_extention_of_domain(min_lat, max_lat, min_lng, max_lng, rotation_axis=(0, 0, 1), rotation_angle_in_degree=0): """ Helper function getting the maximum extends of a rotated domain. Returns a dictionary with the following keys: * minimum_latitude * maximum_latitude * minimum_longitude * maximum_longitude :param min_lat: The minimum latitude. :param max_lat: The maximum latitude. :param min_lng: The minimum longitude. :param max_lng: The maximum longitude. :param rotation_axis: The rotation axis in degree. :param rotation_angle_in_degree: The rotation angle in degree. """ border = get_border_latlng_list( min_lat, max_lat, min_lng, max_lng, number_of_points_per_side=25, rotation_axis=rotation_axis, rotation_angle_in_degree=rotation_angle_in_degree) border = np.array(border) lats = border[:, 0] lngs = border[:, 1] return { "minimum_latitude": lats.min(), "maximum_latitude": lats.max(), "minimum_longitude": lngs.min(), "maximum_longitude": lngs.max()}
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()