ObsPy Tutorial
Handling Event Metadata
</div> </div> </div> image: User:Abbaszade656 / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-4.0

Workshop for the "Training in Network Management Systems and Analytical Tools for Seismic"

Baku, October 2018

Seismo-Live: http://seismo-live.org


In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 12, 8
In [2]:
import obspy

catalog = obspy.read_events("./data/south_napa_with_some_aftershocks.xml")
5 Event(s) in Catalog:
2014-08-24T12:47:12.550000Z | +38.238, -122.343 | 3.6 mw | manual
2014-08-24T10:24:44.240000Z | +38.260, -122.337 | 3.51 ml | manual
2014-08-24T10:21:45.440000Z | +38.235, -122.320 | 3.81 ml | manual
2014-08-24T10:21:10.840000Z | +38.760, -122.726 | 4.38 md | manual
2014-08-24T10:20:44.070000Z | +38.215, -122.312 | 6.02 mw | manual
  • read_events() function returns a Catalog object, which is a collection of Event objects.
In [3]:
<class 'obspy.core.event.catalog.Catalog'>
<class 'obspy.core.event.event.Event'>
In [4]:
event = catalog[0]
Event:	2014-08-24T12:47:12.550000Z | +38.238, -122.343 | 3.6 mw | manual

	            resource_id: ResourceIdentifier(id="quakeml:earthquake.usgs.gov/fdsnws/event/1/query?eventid=nc72283201&format=quakeml")
	             event_type: 'earthquake'
	          creation_info: CreationInfo(agency_id='nc', creation_time=UTCDateTime(2017, 3, 17, 23, 18, 51, 71000), version='9')
	    preferred_origin_id: ResourceIdentifier(id="quakeml:earthquake.usgs.gov/archive/product/origin/nc72283201/nc/1486208787950/product.xml")
	 preferred_magnitude_id: ResourceIdentifier(id="quakeml:earthquake.usgs.gov/archive/product/origin/nc72283201/nc/1486208787950/product.xml#magnitude")
	     event_descriptions: 1 Elements
	                origins: 1 Elements
	             magnitudes: 1 Elements
  • Event objects are again collections of other resources.
  • the nested ObsPy Event class structure (Catalog/Event/Origin/Magnitude/FocalMechanism/...) is closely modelled after QuakeML
In [5]:
<class 'list'>
<class 'obspy.core.event.origin.Origin'>
	        resource_id: ResourceIdentifier(id="quakeml:earthquake.usgs.gov/archive/product/origin/nc72283201/nc/1486208787950/product.xml")
	               time: UTCDateTime(2014, 8, 24, 12, 47, 12, 550000)
	          longitude: -122.3425
	           latitude: 38.2383333
	              depth: 8439.0 [uncertainty=190.0]
	            quality: OriginQuality(used_phase_count=302, used_station_count=279, standard_error=0.18, azimuthal_gap=21.0, minimum_distance=0.02432)
	 origin_uncertainty: OriginUncertainty(horizontal_uncertainty=90.0, preferred_description='horizontal uncertainty')
	    evaluation_mode: 'manual'
	      creation_info: CreationInfo(agency_id='NC', creation_time=UTCDateTime(2017, 2, 4, 11, 46, 27, 950000), version='9')
In [6]:
<class 'list'>
<class 'obspy.core.event.magnitude.Magnitude'>
	     resource_id: ResourceIdentifier(id="quakeml:earthquake.usgs.gov/archive/product/origin/nc72283201/nc/1486208787950/product.xml#magnitude")
	             mag: 3.6
	  magnitude_type: 'mw'
	       origin_id: ResourceIdentifier(id="quakeml:earthquake.usgs.gov/archive/product/origin/nc72283201/nc/1486208787950/product.xml")
	   station_count: 3
	 evaluation_mode: 'manual'
	   creation_info: CreationInfo(agency_id='NC', creation_time=UTCDateTime(2017, 2, 4, 11, 46, 27, 950000))
In [7]:
# try event.<Tab> to get an idea what "children" elements event has
  • The Catalog object contains some convenience methods to make working with events easier.
  • for example, the included events can be filtered with various keys.
In [8]:
largest_magnitude_events = catalog.filter("magnitude >= 4.0")
2 Event(s) in Catalog:
2014-08-24T10:21:10.840000Z | +38.760, -122.726 | 4.38 md | manual
2014-08-24T10:20:44.070000Z | +38.215, -122.312 | 6.02 mw | manual
  • There is a basic preview plot using the matplotlib basemap module.
In [9]:
catalog.plot(projection="local", resolution="i", label="magnitude");
/Users/lion/miniconda3/envs/seismo_live/lib/python3.7/site-packages/obspy/imaging/maps.py:45: UserWarning: basemap/pyproj with proj4 version >= 5 has a bug that results in inverted map axes. Your maps may be wrong. Please use another version of proj4, or use cartopy.
  • a (modified) Catalog can be output to file in a number of different formats.
In [10]:
largest_magnitude_events.write("/tmp/large_events.xml", format="QUAKEML")
!ls -l /tmp/large_events.xml
-rw-r--r--  1 lion  wheel  5821 Nov  4 09:56 /tmp/large_events.xml
  • the event type classes can be used to build up Events/Catalogs/Picks/.. from scratch in custom processing work flows and to share them with other researchers in the de facto standard format QuakeML
In [11]:
from obspy import UTCDateTime
from obspy.core.event import Catalog, Event, Origin, Magnitude
from obspy.geodetics import FlinnEngdahl

cat = Catalog()
cat.description = "Just a fictitious toy example catalog built from scratch"

e = Event()
e.event_type = "not existing"

o = Origin()
o.time = UTCDateTime(2014, 2, 23, 18, 0, 0)
o.latitude = 47.6
o.longitude = 12.0
o.depth = 10000
o.depth_type = "operator assigned"
o.evaluation_mode = "manual"
o.evaluation_status = "preliminary"
o.region = FlinnEngdahl().get_region(o.longitude, o.latitude)

m = Magnitude()
m.mag = 7.2
m.magnitude_type = "Mw"

m2 = Magnitude()
m2.mag = 7.4
m2.magnitude_type = "Ms"

# also included could be: custom picks, amplitude measurements, station magnitudes,
# focal mechanisms, moment tensors, ...

# make associations, put everything together
e.origins = [o]
e.magnitudes = [m, m2]
m.origin_id = o.resource_id
m2.origin_id = o.resource_id

cat.write("/tmp/my_custom_events.xml", format="QUAKEML")
!cat /tmp/my_custom_events.xml
1 Event(s) in Catalog:
2014-02-23T18:00:00.000000Z | +47.600,  +12.000 | 7.2 Mw | manual
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<q:quakeml xmlns="http://quakeml.org/xmlns/bed/1.2" xmlns:q="http://quakeml.org/xmlns/quakeml/1.2">
  <eventParameters publicID="smi:local/cdd8f4ac-1328-4ca9-995a-229660e44a8f">
    <description>Just a fictitious toy example catalog built from scratch</description>
    <event publicID="smi:local/7408b339-0997-4935-b828-d8c6cbc85d83">
      <type>not existing</type>
      <origin publicID="smi:local/484089f8-6ebf-405d-8c8a-29cd6b336feb">
        <depthType>operator assigned</depthType>
      <magnitude publicID="smi:local/2e83f9c4-271b-480d-ac17-a69114c1f42c">
      <magnitude publicID="smi:local/b93d8723-5992-4bf5-9141-b89b1c3ef28e">